Business: Hain Daniels
Business activity: The Hain Daniels Group is one of the UK’s leading food companies. With revenues of circa £325m, employ around 1,300 colleagues in the UK, and operate across 8 locations within chilled, frozen and ambient food & drink categories. Private and own label company. Revolutionised operations through strategic restructuring, shift pattern changes, and
upskilling initiatives for transformative results:
🔵 20% OEE improvement
🔵 33% Reduction in head count
🔵 29% quality improvement in Right first time
🔵 40% cost reduction of CO – Packing Operations
🔵 Insourcing business
🔵 43% YoY Waste reduction with estimate £1.445 Million saving
🔵 400 Supply chain / procurement / operational project identification across group with estimate £6.3 million worth
🔵 38 project governance with estimated £3.1 million of bottom line profit